Onewhero Area School

Onewhero Area School

Onewhero Area School

基本資料 | Information

Onewhero School began on 10 November 1891.
This is a photograph of a painting of the orginal Dyer home, where schooling began.
The site was on Miller Road, Kaipo Flats.

Prior to District High School days, Onewhero School colours were green and white. When the school became a District High School in 1955, blue and grey were chosen as the colours for the uniform. Today, the school colours worn are royal blue and navy with a touch of gold.

Mr Alan Shepherd, the headmaster at the time, chose the motto EACH FOR ALL - Te Kotahi Mo Te Katoa. We share the motto with Alexandre Dumas' characters, 'The Three Musketeers': Each for all and all for each. Or to go back even one step further, it was an ancient Latin saying: Singula sint omnium et omnia singulorum.

Mrs Kath Bouskill thought of the idea of the crest with three crowns representing the three contributing districts (Onewhero, Te Kohanga, Opuatia) placed upon a symbolised river (Waikato).

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
