基本資料 | Information
Coromandel Area School is situated in the coastal town of Coromandel and has served the educational needs of the local community since 1875. The town was named after the peninsula, which was named after HMS Coromandel, which sailed into the harbour in 1820. At one time, Coromandel Harbour was a major port serving the peninsula’s gold mining and kauri industries. Today, only an old gold stamper battery, which is still in full operational working order, relates to those earlier times. Currently the town of Coromandel’s main industries are tourism and aquaculture.
Coromandel Area School is a small school by many standards, yet offers opportunity for students to engage in learning in an attractive and well-resourced setting. The staff are dedicated to student success and have worked hard to develop, with students and whānau, a place where they are able to attain high standards in learning through on-site as well as distance learning opportunities via the internet.
Our school offers a range of academic courses plus plenty of opportunities to be involved in sporting, cultural, leadership and extra-curricular events. We are proud of the students we produce and of their achievements. Our dedicated staff work hard, and with a low student-teacher ratio, allow our students to become capable and resilient achievers with opportunity to reach the highest level of achievement actively fostered.
I believe it is rare to find such an amazing context for learning, the balance between an awesome natural environment and a welcoming place to learn the hallmarks of our school. The whole school community, teaching as well as non-teaching staff, Board of Trustees, Parents in Partnership group and others we employ or use as volunteers, are all an important and integral part of the school’s journey with our students and their whanau towards a destination often far removed from Coromandel. I trust though, that every student gains from their experiences at our great school.