Corpus Christi College, WA(西澳洲聖體學院)

Corpus Christi College, WA


基本資料 | Information

The College was established by the Catholic Education Commission of WA (CECWA) and officially opened on 17 April 1983 by the Archbishop of Perth, Sir Launcelot Goody and the Commonwealth Minster for Finance, Mr John Dawkins. This was seen as a landmark for Catholic education in WA as Corpus Christi College was the first non-Order owned co-educational Catholic secondary college in the Archdiocese of Perth established by the Catholic Education Commission.

In 1983, the College opened its doors with 128 Year 8 students and seven teaching staff under the Principal, Father Robert McCormack. Year 7 students entered secondary schooling at the College in 2009.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
