基本資料 | Information
The Settlers High School is young and vibrant; pioneering English education in the northern suburbs. The school was started on 19 January 1965 with Mr E T Hobbs as its first Headmaster; the buildings were officially opened on 24 April 1969 the year of the first matric class. The school has grown to become a major school confident in its achievements in education and its service to the community. The Silver Jubilee celebrations of 20 April 1990 generated further pride. Today its high reputation extends way beyond its feeder area; the academic results are outstanding, the sport teams compete against the best, culture has excellent standing and pastorally the pupils have high morale and good discipline.
The Settlers High School acknowledges its heritage in its name and in the names of its houses: Bain, Pringle, Shaw, all famous 1820 Settlers. It is aware of those educators, headmasters, parents, pupils and past pupils who have contributed to the ethos of the present school and pays homage to all these people on Founders' Day - the third Friday in April. Acknowledgement is also made of the heritage of this area in that our fields are named after the Duminy Family and the farms on which they stand: Seaview, Fairfield, Loevenstein and Duminy. These farms were all owned by members of the Duminy family.
On 23 October 1990 the parents of the school voted overwhelmingly to open the school to pupils of all races, thus pioneering open schooling in this region. The school has acquired a rich diversity of cultures and races. On 1 May 1992 the school accepted Model C thus becoming a state-aided school. This independent standing ushered in a period of enterprise and vitality that characterises the school currently. In 1994 the school sold its Loevenstein fields and used the money to build the Loevenstein Centre in 1995 and centralise its sports fields. In 1996 the South African schools Act ended Model C status and the rationalization process meant that the school lost 10 educators in 1996 and therefore adopted coping strategies to deal with the crisis, and a further 11 in 1998 which the school has continued to employ in a private capacity.
However, in spite of these difficulties, the school maintains high standards, a balanced education and anoptimistic vision. The high standing of the school was recognised by the Sunday Times by being recognised as one of the Top 100 schools in South Africa. In 1998 and 2000 the computers were updated; in 1999 the fields were levelled and expanded. In 2000 the school celebrated its 35th Anniversary with pride. In 2002 the school named its forecourt the Cochoqua Court in recognition of the First Nation of Khoi Khoi who lived here and whose descendants are in the school. The latest History of South Africa has seen fit to mention our recognition of heritage and reconciliation. In 2004 the Freedom Bell was opened by Mr Ahmed Kathrada indicating the school’s stand against prejudice, especially that of racism and sexism. In 2005 the school celebrated its 40th Anniversary and produced a History of The Settlers High School. In 2007 the school became a Dinaledi School as a Maths & Science Focus school and is actively encouraging those pupils who excel in those two subjects to enrol at the school. Since 2008 R1 million was received from Epoch/Optima Trusts for the improvement of Mathematics Education. In 2008 the Webster Auditorium, an extension to the hall, was officially opened.