基本資料 | Information
Manurewa High School is one of the larger Secondary Schools in New Zealand, with an enrolment reaching 2,200 students.
Manurewa High School is a multi-cultural school. It has Pacific 47%, Māori 24%, Asian 16%, New Zealand European/Pākehā 11% Other ethnicity 2%.[5] Some cultures include Australian, Cambodian, Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore), Cook Island, Dutch, Filipino, Fijian, French, French Polynesia, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Irish, New Zealand, Korean, Malaysian, New Caledonian, Niue, Polynesian, Samoan, South African, Sri Lankan, Syrian, Thai, Tongan, Vietnamese. Once a year it holds an International Week to honour this multi-culturalism.
It is also notable as the only major secondary school with a large pool of resources dedicated to the education of blind and visually impaired students. This is arranged through the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind in association with their major educational facility, the Homai College for the Blind which is within