Rolleston College

Rolleston College

Rolleston College

基本資料 | Information

Rolleston College has a strong desire to engage with our community on all important aspects of the school. This reflects a fundamental belief in the value of community in all its guises. We want our school to reflect this and we therefore want to walk the talk ourselves

This page is designed to not only keep the community up to date on the progress of the school, but to also involve the community in the development of the school.

At times we will ask on your opinion on developments / issues, or to comment on an idea. At a basic level we are happy to answer questions related to posts, but we are after more in the long term.

Because we will be encouraging interaction it is extremely important that comments are constructive, and well considered. If you disagree with something, be careful to express your opinion in a way that considers others viewpoints and feelings. It is easy to misinterpret meaning when you aren't face to face.

Also, keep any comments on the school and education. This is not a space for general discussion.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
