Bethlehem College

Bethlehem College

Bethlehem College

基本資料 | Information

Bethlehem College is an “Area School”. Unlike in Australia where this model is common, in NZ an area school is usually located in a remote rural area where population demands a combination of schools. There are therefore usually very small.

Our roll is 1530 with approximately 450 in Primary (Y1-6), 450 in Junior Secondary (Y7-9) and 630 in Senior Secondary (Y10-13). IN addition we have about 60 fee paying international students across the year levels.

Our major intake is at year 1 and year 7. New entrants arrive at year 1 as in any primary school and we double our classes from 3 to 6 from years 6 to 7.

This area school model means that new entrants spend their whole schooling at the College and become very much part of the family. Similarly, those joining at year 7 enjoy a very smooth transition from intermediate to senior years. This binding factor across the year levels is a huge benefit of this area school option.

Each school has its own measure of independence but is also very much a part of a whole College. We have expertise across the College that benefits all, while within any given school teachers are specialists at their particular levels of learning – a win-win model.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
