SMK Bahang Penampang

Bahang National Secondary School, Penampang, Sabah

SMK Bahang Penampang

SMK Bahang is a secondary school in Sabah[1] which is located at Penampang, Kota Kinabalu. SMK Bahang is located close to the capital city, Kota Kinabalu. The students of SMK Bahang are known as Budak Bahang, but some of them prefer the name Bahangite, a demonym for student of SMK Bahang.

The school is named after the village of Kampung Bahang, which is located near to Kampung Koidupan and KDCA (Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association). The majority of the students, including staff, come from Penampang and some of them are from Putatan, Luyang and near to the city of Kota Kinabalu. SMK Bahang is located between Donggongon Town and the capital city of Kota Kinabalu.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
