Fairfield High School in Hereford

Fairfield High School in Hereford

Fairfield High School in Hereford

Fairfield High School is a secondary school in Peterchurch, Herefordshire, England.

Fairfield High School is located in the beautiful Golden Valley. It is situated among the thriving communities of Peterchurch, Dorstone, Abbey Dore and Ewyas Harold.

The local environment lends itself to its house names: Dore (River Dore), Escley (Escley Brook), Monnow (River Monnow) and Olchon (Olchon Valley).

Fairfield High School is one of the top state schools in the country. In the October 2013 Ofsted inspection, the school received the best possible score - "Outstanding" in every category. The school converted to academy status in May 2014.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
