Ark Charter Academy

Ark Charter Academy

Ark Charter Academy

Work Hard, Be Nice and No Excuses. We mean this, we follow it and we refer to it every day because we believe in it. Every student matters. Every student can achieve. Every lesson counts. We make no excuses and we expect none, from students or staff. Everyone, no matter what their role in the academy is expected to follow this and believe in it. We strongly believe in providing a first class education and we are proud of our students.

This belief will continue to underpin the expectations of students within Charter Academy. We are evolving the school, this new academic year 2016-17, to incorporate and build upon these expectations with the 3A’s (Aspiration for All, Achievement for All, and Active Participation for All, with an overarching commitment to Team and Community.

We work alongside the Church of England due to our historic links with them but we welcome all students of other faiths or of none. At Charter we aims for Students’ beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interests, will be explored throughout their time at the Academy. The students will be able to write about and respect different people’s feelings and values, and ultimately reflect on their own experiences in life.

Our vision is that all our students achieve their full potential. Our target is that 80% of our students will achieve 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above, including English and Maths. We are committed to delivering an outstanding education within an outstanding environment where each child is able to achieve the highest possible academic outcomes. We want our students to progress to university, or a career of their choice and to lead happy, purposeful lives.

Every day, students are engaged in enjoyable, worthwhile and meaningful activities at all times. We know we are doing our job if our students have a sense of pride in themselves and in their Academy.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
