Alcester Academy(奧爾斯特學院)

Alcester Academy


基本資料 | Information

Alcester Academy offers a curriculum that is designed to provide the best possible learning outcomes for all students. It is well matched to the local demand and constructed in consultation with parents and students. Consultation takes place through a series of assemblies, a straw poll to gather initial choices, a Parent Forum to answer questions, a Parents Evening and a formal Options evening.

Every individual is encouraged to strive for excellence in as many subjects as possible. We encourage, but do not force the English Baccalaureate – consultation show that parents and students do not want this narrowing of the curriculum. We deliver mainly GCSE subjects, but do offer some vocational subjects where these offer the best onward progression to students. As such, our curriculum has a balance of academic rigour whilst meeting the needs of all students and their aspirations to progress into their chosen careers.

Our outcomes, notably a progress 8 score of 0.50 in 2017 strongly suggest that the curriculum we offer matches our aspiration of ‘to be the best we can be.
The role of Governors in setting the curriculum.
Governors are fully engaged in discussions around the design of the curriculum. The Headteacher reports on outcomes from the straw poll and suggests a best offer to deliver students first choices. This is ratified through the Standards Sub Committee prior to the options evening.

Governors actively attend the Parent Forum and Options Evening and are ‘on hand’ to receive any queries raised by parents or students.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
