Leventhorpe School

Leventhorpe School

Leventhorpe School

Leventhorpe School is a mixed, 11-19 secondary school and sixth form in the town of Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. The school became an academy in August 2011, and is part of the Rivers Multi-Academy Trust.

As of 2018, the school's last inspection was in 2012 when it was judged Outstanding in each of the five categories.

In 2017, the school's Progress 8 score at GCSE was -0.08, in line with the England average, and the Attainment 8 score was 53 points, above the England and Hertfordshire averages. In 2018, GCSE results "exceed[ed] national targets".

The average grade at A level in 2018 was C, just below the England and Hertfordshire averages of C+. Absence and persistent absence were better than the England average for 2016/17.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
