Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport

Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport

Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport

Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport, formerly Newport Free Grammar School, is a school in Newport, Essex, England. It was founded in 1588. The school is a mixed secondary school with a sixth form. It previously existed in different forms including a boarding school and a grammar school. The headteacher is Gordon Farquhar and the deputy headteachers are Kay Turner, Matthew Gibson and Mike Hodgkiss. As of 2012, there were 987 students, including 160 in the sixth form.

It takes its current name after Dame Joyce Frankland (1531-1588), the only daughter of goldsmith Robert Trappes, who founded it as the "free Grammer Schole of Newport". Dame Frankland also made a number of educational bequests in her will to colleges at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
