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Bebington High Sports College is a secondary school in Bebington on the Wirral Peninsula, England. The school is located in Bebington within three schools Wirral Grammar School for Boys, Wirral Grammar School for Girls and St John Plessington Catholic College. The school opened in 1915 as Bebington High School and was renamed Bebington High Sports College in 2004.
It is a foundation school administered by Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council and a charitable foundation trust. Partners of the school include Liverpool John Moores University, Barnardo's and Tranmere Rovers F.C. The school was designated a specialist Sports College in 2001.
This school is slightly smaller than average size. It is situated in the south-east area of the Wirral. The percentage of students known to be eligible for free school meals is twice the national average. The proportion of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities, including those with a statement of special educational needs, is above that usually found. The percentage of students from minority ethnic heritages is below average but rising. There are few students who are at early stages of learning English. Bebington High is an accredited Healthy School, holds the Sportsmark award and has intermediate International Schools status. The school hosts a unit funded by the local authority to support students with moderate learning difficulties (MLD). It is also registered as a full-core extended school. The school is one mile away from Bebington railway station.