基本資料 | Information
Oak Lodge School is a specialist day school with an outstanding residential provision for students with hearing, speech, language and communication needs aged 10–19. It is located in the London borough of Wandsworth in England.
Oak Lodge School also hosts other services, such as Deaf First (for education of deaf adults) and a Sixth Form (providing support to deaf students who are educated at nearby colleges and on-site).
The school currently has more than 80 pupils from 25 different boroughs. An outstanding residential provision is also available for a small number of children stay in the school's hostel during the week. Phoenix House was judged to be outstanding by Ofsted in December 2016.
Ofsted Inspection
Ofsted, the UK Government's Office for Standards in Education, inspected the school and rated it as an "exceptional school." In its report, it stated that teaching and care of pupils is outstanding, but noted that the school's premises are outstanding.