Maleny State High School(馬萊尼中學)

Maleny State High School


基本資料 | Information

Maleny State High School is a unique place. Much of this uniqueness stems from the willingness of the school to continually innovate and drive towards enhanced ways of delivering our curriculum and seeking to value the special qualities of each individual. The school is also extremely fortunate to have a supportive and active Parents & Citizens Association.

We place unequivocal emphasis on improvement in learning. Our students’ academic achievements have been consistently high. The school’s vocational education programs bring relevant, skill-oriented learning within reach of all students, regardless of their academic ability. Such programs also testify to the supportiveness of the school’s wider community.

Our belief in the value of each individual also underpins our efforts to maintain a safe, supportive environment that is as free as possible from harassment or bullying. The majority of the people in our school find such behaviour highly objectionable and there are distinct policies that help to minimise it.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
