Francis Greenway High School

Francis Greenway High School

Francis Greenway High School

In the proud tradition of the comprehensive high school this school, continues to offer students quality academic, sporting and cultural programs and opportunities within a supportive local context. Responsibility, respect and recognition reflect the ethos of collaboratively determined values and beliefs which now underpin the strategic direction and daily organisation of the school. The maintenance of a challenging traditional curriculum coupled with strong support for and participation in vocational courses has ensured that students have access to relevant programs that are tailored to individual needs, while maintaining competitive academic rigor. Challenged by changing societal values and behaviour, the school is working towards a welfare and discipline structure that recognises both the rights and needs of the individual as well as their corporate responsibility. This will ensure that Francis Greenway High School is able to provide an environment where people are happy to learn and work.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
