St James College, Brisbane(布里斯班聖詹姆士學院)

St James College, Brisbane


基本資料 | Information

The school's philosophy is based on Gospel values and the tradition of Edmund Rice, the founder of Christian Brothers. This philosophy is to integrate faith, life and culture in an environment of tolerance, pride and respect for individual worth.

Christian values are woven into all areas of school life. The happiness of the individual, whatever his/her achievement is of vital importance. School rules exist as in every community but students, as they mature and progress through the school, are assisted to develop self-discipline and personal responsibility. 

St James is located in the centre of the city of Brisbane only a short distance from Central Station and within walking distance of city bus routes. Because of the proximity to the city, students of St James are able to link to many industry, art, cultural and sporting venues.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
