Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School

Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School

Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School

Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School was established by members of the local community on October 11 2004. Currently catering for just over 500 students, the School will mature as a Kindergarten to Year 12 independent Christian school when it opens its doors to Kindergarten to Year 2 students in 2016.

The Principal is responsible for the operation of the the school, reporting to an independent constituted Board of Directors.

The school learning environment is based on partnership between parents. teachers and students. Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School students have opportunities to explore a wide variety of learning endeavors in including sporting, academic and cultural activities while a focused core curriculum emphasizes literacy and numeracy skills. The whole person is encouraged to grow through a strong and developing pastoral care system and a strong and developing sense of belonging within the School Community.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
