Moranbah State High School(莫蘭巴中學)

Moranbah State High School


基本資料 | Information

Moranbah State High School is a vibrant, innovative and inclusive learning community preparing students for "Tomorrow's Future Today". Our practices are based around our daily moral purpose to ensure that "every student, in every classroom, is learning, achieving and is valued". We expect our staff and student to consistently uphold our four core values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationships and are working to ensure that our school community is built on professionalism, continuous improvement and accountability. We aim to provide every student with a quality education that will not only match their career aspirations, but prepare them for their future as a resilient and connected citizen.

In preparing students for "tomorrow's future", our curricular and extra-curricular activities (including a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training and School-based traineeship and apprenticeship program) are infused with the concepts of digital literacy and intercultural understanding. Our teacher's are passionate, hard working and set high expectations for behaviour and learning. Moranbah State High School uses evidence-based teaching that encourages critical and creative thinking and develops learners that strive for excellence.

Moranbah State High School utilises the Mind Matters framework to guide our focus on student wellbeing. We know that student outcomes are enhanced when the learning environment is positive, respectful and supportive and this is why we adopt the Positive Behaviour Learning approach throughout the school, founded on consistent and high behavioural expectations. We believe that strong parent, teacher and student relationships are required to develop our positive school community.

Our Sports Development Programs combined with opportunities offered through our Arts & Cultural precinct provide students with a range of extra-curricular offerings. Our academically talented students are recognised through formal induction into our Exceed Scholars program, where mentoring to further extend student's thinking and pathway opportunities are highlighted.

Moranbah State High School is geographically located in the heart of the Queensland coal mining industry. We have a strong history of partnerships with key industries which provide innovative opportunities for our students, not available in many other schools across the state. Our Coalfields Training Excellence Centre is providing innovation in robotics, automation and engineering and ensuring training is linked to future pathways in local industries. Our new iCentre allows students flexible learning opportunities to widen subject choices whilst preparing for tertiary style delivery. We do not allow our geographic distance to prevent our students from receiving a first class education.

Our mission is to ensure that every student succeeds through an outstanding education that prepares students for tomorrow's future, today!

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
