Winton State School(溫頓學校)

Winton State School


基本資料 | Information

Winton State School is part of Education Queensland in the wider Central Queensland Region.

The school has early, middle, junior secondary and senior classes, and most senior students in traineeships. Distance Education is offered in some senior subjects. The school regards itself as continuous P-12 with areas of special expertise, rather than sector-based. Our enrolment driven classes are multi-age.

Enrolments Prep – Year 12: 90 students

Staff: Principal, Head of Curriculum, 4 Primary teachers, 5 Secondary teachers,

1 Support Teacher, 7 Teacher-Aides, 2 Administration Assistants, 1 Schools Officer (Facilities & Grounds), and 3 Cleaners.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
