Bell State School(貝爾學校)

Bell State School


基本資料 | Information

Bell State School has a wonderful history with the celebration of turning one hundred years old in 2007. The Bell township is located 40 kilometres from Dalby and our district is well serviced by bus transport services. A point of interest is that the majority of our students travel by bus to school. Thereby our communication between the home and the school is very important to ensure a supportive and well nourished partnership. The school newsletter is a vital connection and is both well read and well regarded by our local and district community.

Many opportunities are available to help students develop their interests and abilities, for example, our school achieved a 5 star rating in the Cleaner Greener Schools through our School Environmental Management Plan, Cross Country carnivals are hosted by our school, an enjoyable, informative playgroup is well supported and an active P&C reflects the strong partnership of rural school experiences. All teachers and support staff have high expectations for achievement and behaviour as we work together to learn our way to improvement.

We have a 7 period day that involves the core subjects of mathematics, English, science, health and physical education (HPE), history, geography, languages and a choice of several high interest enrichment courses such as business computers, business studies, home economics, wood technology, metal technology, graphics, media studies, drama and visual arts. The junior secondary and senior students provide to the primary students, many learning opportunities through peer mentoring programs.

The primary students engage in weekly specialist lessons for HPE, music, drama, languages and art. Upper primary classes engage in home economics and wood technology classes in the junior secondary area of the school. Being a p-10 school offers a direct pathway for our upper primary students to move seamlessly into junior secondary.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
