Emmaus Christian College

Emmaus Christian College

Emmaus Christian College

Emmaus Christian College provides high quality Christian education from Reception to Year 12, supporting families from all Christian denominations to prepare their children for the future.

Our aim is that students will graduate from Emmaus Christian College as confident and compassionate young adults, well-equipped to take their place in the world. We seek to foster a commitment to Jesus Christ and a passion to live life in such a way as to bring honour and glory to God.

Christian schooling is an extension of the education which Christian parents provide for their children in the home. While recognising that the home has the primary responsibility for the education of children, we see that the influence of Christian teachers, peers and curricula is significant in helping children develop as committed Christians and responsible, effective members of society.

We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God and is the standard by which all ideologies, philosophies and theologies are to be evaluated. Therefore, education should be Christ-centred, in accord with Biblical truths and principles, academically sound, and effective in helping individuals to serve God and others.

制服介紹 | Uniform Intro

校園 | Campus
